This should not be the case.
If we were meant to live a life of bondage, God would have us bound to Him. God wants us to be under the Control of the Holy Spirit, and by that I mean directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit of God. This type of control is not bondage, unless you see it as bondage of Love. It is a chosen bondage that paradoxically sets us free.
I see people who are married, and miserable. They complain about their mate, their problems, and start looking for a way out. I want to thump them on the head! Marriage is not to be bondage, but bound together in love.
It is amazing how things can change when we put God first, family second and so on. I'm not saying it's easy, but in the long run, it is easier God's way; and so much better.
I've seen others who are single and miserable and want to be married so bad, thinking: Marriage would solve everything. That's not true either.
Paul said: "are you bound to a wife? Don't seek to be loosed! Are you single? Don't seek to be bound!" We are to give thanks to God in all things. Paul said that he was able to be content in whatever situation he found himself. That's because he new that God knew where He was and had allowed Him to be there for a purpose.
When we begin seeking God for our path each day, we can find similar contentment in the fact that God sent us there for a reason.
The choice is yours!